Someone just took my KOM with a power reading of 739W. Is he doping?
I've had this happen twice. A whole bunch of us with similar times, can't remember thr specifcs but for example around 3:45 then someone comes along and does a 2:05 at 850w. A quick delve into their profile reveals they normally ride at closer to 120w and their 10 min power record is 200w. So how are they suddenly able to go on an isolated ride typically halving every KOM time as they pass through each segment ar 400w for 2 hours. Clearly corrupt data.
If they don't realise and do the right thing (delete the ride) then you can "flag" their ride. Strava then look at it and either decide it's not legit and remove it or decide its genuine, reinstate the ride and drop Sky a note that there's a new world champion cruising round Britain demolishing KOMs for breakfast. At least I think that's how it works.
I've had this happen twice. A whole bunch of us with similar times, can't remember thr specifcs but for example around 3:45 then someone comes along and does a 2:05 at 850w. A quick delve into their profile reveals they normally ride at closer to 120w and their 10 min power record is 200w. So how are they suddenly able to go on an isolated ride typically halving every KOM time as they pass through each segment ar 400w for 2 hours. Clearly corrupt data.
If they don't realise and do the right thing (delete the ride) then you can "flag" their ride. Strava then look at it and either decide it's not legit and remove it or decide its genuine, reinstate the ride and drop Sky a note that there's a new world champion cruising round Britain demolishing KOMs for breakfast. At least I think that's how it works.