This is a bit of an odd one. My old work place recently emailed to say a parcel had arrived for me from Japan. I had no recollection of ordering anything. Nor do any of my friends live there now. Furthermore, it's addressed to Allie not Alex. Really weird.
So anyway, I collected it from the post depot today and don't really know what to make of it or do with it - does anyone on here?
Behold my beautiful Oka Craft Japanese Mosaic Puzzle Box:
did you open it yet?
surely all you do is push the panel starting with 1 on the diagram a little bit, then 2, then 3 all the way around in sequence until you reach 18
did you open it yet?
surely all you do is push the panel starting with 1 on the diagram a little bit, then 2, then 3 all the way around in sequence until you reach 18