It maybe worth your while taking a look at this article .. it's mainly discussing new Red but they test various combinations of old and new Red and also Dura Ace front mech with Red ..
Ah, yes, thanks - I'd read that. I measured my seat tube last night and it's 28.6mm so a DA front mech (available in that clamp size) is seeming like quite a good idea (sort of) at the moment.
I love this bike already, don't screw it up now! No, seriously..
Pretty much my bike pimped with a carbon frame and better rims!
What tyres you gona use? Road slicks or something more pave themed?
I'll try not to! Just let me know if it's going wrong...
I haven't decided yet, I don't want anything too heavy, would like something with good rolling resistance but don't want too many of those 'P' things. Not full on slicks but maybe something like the Vredestein Fortezza Quattro TriComp. Open to ideas!
Bet they're stiffer. As for better. Thats not really a straight forward question for brakes.
True, but stiffer and lighter is better, I suppose.
Hmm, the TRP 970SL are nice and would look better on the bike, it being curvy and therefore lending itself less to the 'industrial' look of the R960s.
Ah, yes, thanks - I'd read that. I measured my seat tube last night and it's 28.6mm so a DA front mech (available in that clamp size) is seeming like quite a good idea (sort of) at the moment.
I'll try not to! Just let me know if it's going wrong...
I haven't decided yet, I don't want anything too heavy, would like something with good rolling resistance but don't want too many of those 'P' things. Not full on slicks but maybe something like the Vredestein Fortezza Quattro TriComp. Open to ideas!
True, but stiffer and lighter is better, I suppose.
Hmm, the TRP 970SL are nice and would look better on the bike, it being curvy and therefore lending itself less to the 'industrial' look of the R960s.