A quick update. I decided the mix of old and new parts on this frame just wasn't working. The paint is so nicely aged it needs period parts, so it's now in bits and is going to get built up geared (once I've finished the painfully slow parts collection). More soon.
That, incidentally, means the Colnago frame I mentioned earlier is now donating the Campag part-group I had lined up for it - and that will now be the fixed conversion using some of these ex-CIOCC bits. They'll work with the Colnago as it's freshly painted and looking all new-like. Pics of that soon too, once I've built it up...
A quick update. I decided the mix of old and new parts on this frame just wasn't working. The paint is so nicely aged it needs period parts, so it's now in bits and is going to get built up geared (once I've finished the painfully slow parts collection). More soon.
That, incidentally, means the Colnago frame I mentioned earlier is now donating the Campag part-group I had lined up for it - and that will now be the fixed conversion using some of these ex-CIOCC bits. They'll work with the Colnago as it's freshly painted and looking all new-like. Pics of that soon too, once I've built it up...