• I really don't care how fast you were going! The relative who suffered a broken hip is scared of ANY people riding on the pavement as I'm sure are many other people regardless of speed!

    I'd rather be thought of as square than thought of as a monumental bellend any day of the week!

    Calm down Furious, I said it tongue in cheek. I am very sorry for your relative, but it wasn't me that did it. I do not habitually ride on pavements, but do so with the dog on the short ride from home to park, as I pointed out slowly, in control and on sparsely populated pavements. I realise there is a knee-jerk reaction to this, thou shalt not kind of thing, but as sentient inhabitant of this planet, of sound body if not always mind, sometimes I look at situations and make my own judgement as to the safety. Sometimes I even cross the road without waiting for the green man.

    I have never come close to hitting anyone on my ride to the park, and partly I ride on the road with them anyway, just not usually this point because the road is narrow and there are parked cars on either side. 99% of reaction from peds is a smile for me and my dog
