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  • Trying to find the time! Just finished my penultimate assignment for OU Maths degree; needs to be posted off today. So one more assingment (mid-September) and one exam (mid-October) and I get back quite a few hours of my week. If I am going to do the 24h TT next year I need to put some decent miles in.

    I got down to ~63min the last few years (67" fixed) but never broke the hour, but this is the pace that I can maintain for hours for long distance stuff. Pacing easier on the geared bike with a PowerTap hub but where's the fun in that? Will hopefully get some time Saturday to bulk up the bottom of the table with a ~72m or so effort.
    67" is too low for me. I only managed 66 or something on that, although that was with risers :) I reckon I could do it on low 70s... Maybe 48x18 or 17. 17 might be a bit harsh on some sections.


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