Going along the towpath beside grand union canal yesterday. I was doing about 15mph, not excessive really, when I smash into a guy on a blind corner (also a cyclist). We both tumble off, and I roll toward the canal trying to keep my bike out the water. I get up and he's already left...
I claim joint responsibility, but I had to ride home with wet bartape...
Reminded me of what happened a few weeks ago! along the same canal as well, me and a friend of mine were riding along a bumpy narrow bit of the canal, i was in front and i suddenly heard a big splash, turned around seeing my friend on his back on the edge, with his bike in the canal!
Reminded me of what happened a few weeks ago! along the same canal as well, me and a friend of mine were riding along a bumpy narrow bit of the canal, i was in front and i suddenly heard a big splash, turned around seeing my friend on his back on the edge, with his bike in the canal!
we did manage to get it out, could of been worse.