I used to get so angry because I wouldn't do half of the things people do to cyclists even before I rode myself. Now I try and be polite and cival, its messes with peoples heads so bad. Nearly got wiped out by an ignorant woman driver rushing he son to the station, I arrived at the station all of 1 minute behind them and said to her as I went past "you can get a closer look now as I assume that is why you came so close to me back there". She saw red and responded with a whole heap of rage about how cyclists are the spawn of satan and shouldn't be on the road so I informed her that roads were around before the internal combustion engine and that bicycles were invented before the the car. I was then told to learn to drive by her son, I stated that I have held a full driving licence for over 5 years and that they should refrain from telling someone the rules of the road until they themselves are in possession of a driving licence, people at the station watching started laughing, I got called a pleasant name and they walked off mumbling under the breath while people carried on laughing at them.
Being polite messes with people as they instantly question if what they think is right, actually is.
I used to get so angry because I wouldn't do half of the things people do to cyclists even before I rode myself. Now I try and be polite and cival, its messes with peoples heads so bad. Nearly got wiped out by an ignorant woman driver rushing he son to the station, I arrived at the station all of 1 minute behind them and said to her as I went past "you can get a closer look now as I assume that is why you came so close to me back there". She saw red and responded with a whole heap of rage about how cyclists are the spawn of satan and shouldn't be on the road so I informed her that roads were around before the internal combustion engine and that bicycles were invented before the the car. I was then told to learn to drive by her son, I stated that I have held a full driving licence for over 5 years and that they should refrain from telling someone the rules of the road until they themselves are in possession of a driving licence, people at the station watching started laughing, I got called a pleasant name and they walked off mumbling under the breath while people carried on laughing at them.
Being polite messes with people as they instantly question if what they think is right, actually is.