First impression that it's very light and small, removed the poles reduced the size a lots, if I use a compressor, it should be even smaller and the pole will go in the frame bag.
I think it's a win for a comfortable one man tent without bulking up the saddlebag too much.
image show tent squashed further in the bag - with a compressor, it should be even smaller.
Actually the size is pretty much on pair with the cheap £25 tent.
Got my MSR tent.
First impression that it's very light and small, removed the poles reduced the size a lots, if I use a compressor, it should be even smaller and the pole will go in the frame bag.
I think it's a win for a comfortable one man tent without bulking up the saddlebag too much.
image show tent squashed further in the bag - with a compressor, it should be even smaller.
Actually the size is pretty much on pair with the cheap £25 tent.