thanks especially to everyone who has helped with my bike over the last months. appreciation to Joni, Louis and Jimmy for withstanding hundreds of emails; Alexis Z and John for various parts; Kev for giving it a look-over; Max and Alexis W for offers of help; Ben for the brake lever; Ali for frame, fork and wheels; and Shifty Tom for giving up his Saturday night to help finish off the BB.
The bike feels well loved. Cake is definitely due. xx
yeah, thanks everyone. lots of fun (as always).
thanks especially to everyone who has helped with my bike over the last months. appreciation to Joni, Louis and Jimmy for withstanding hundreds of emails; Alexis Z and John for various parts; Kev for giving it a look-over; Max and Alexis W for offers of help; Ben for the brake lever; Ali for frame, fork and wheels; and Shifty Tom for giving up his Saturday night to help finish off the BB.
The bike feels well loved. Cake is definitely due. xx