• #627
They would only use it towards the start of their career, there's a fuckton of information to memorise*. Then they become more proficient/arrogant (delete as appropriate) that they don't need to refer back to the notes.
The Met have a hardon for mnemonics to help with this but they become so protracted it makes things worse. Trying to remember what mnemonic to use where becomes the struggle so you end up with mnemonics for mnemonics.
Anyway, anymore news from CM
I noticed that further back in the book. SPIKE, DEFECT, ADVOKATE, CHALETS, GO, WISE
• #628
CM members being kettled at Bow Road, apparently.
what media are you following?
• #629
Twitter, as Finger Jockey suggested in the other thread.
Seems to be the same couple of tweets being retweeted, and a short video shot in May.
• #630
GOWISELY - fucked if I can remember what that was, something to do with stopping someone (Grounds, Offence, Warrant Card (if plain clothed), identity, station, enema, LSD, yemen - or something)
the others I have no idea
• #631
Reports on twitter about 40 riot vans being present, with more arriving.
• #632
And one chap saying that cyclists getting North of the river proves Mit Romneys point that the British coppers were not ready- maybe they should have shot them?
Max Twain @MaxTwain
#criticalmass hashtag is trying to tell us that Mitt was right. The Brits were not ready. #RomneyWasRight -
• #633
lets hope the fireworks match chinese standards too
• #634
The CM riders should all undress and have a Naked Bike Ride, that would cause even better headlines around the world.
• #635
we are such a bunch of cowards
• #636
Wow, it all seems to be kicking off.
• #637
Metropolitan Police @MetPoliceEvents
We are currently arresting a large number of people as a result of the #criticalmass cycle ride -
• #638
there were police preventing people crossing Tower Bridge.
Just fucking open it you dozy cunts.
• #639
^ yep pics via twitter confirming arrests being made.
• #640
At least one cyclist was projected a positive image of cycling tonight.
Well done, Bradley.
• #641
it looks like a small group of people on bikes, quite sparse
• #642
Reports are several hundred tried to head north over Waterloo bridge, blocked by popo,went east to London bridge, same story. Moved east to tower bridge and again blocked off. East to rotherhithe? Tunnel, no popo...
Went north over bow flyover no probs, loitered and a bunch kettled... Score draw in my opinion.
http://www.itv.com/news/story/2012-07-27/arrests-after-critical-mass-cycle-ride-in-london-near-olympic-stadium-stratdford-and-waterloo-bridge/ -
• #643
^posted too slow, this is just a repeat of what hairnetic said really...
As far as I've seen on twitter and in person the cyclists that got kettled weren't the main body of the ride - when I left the vast majority of people were around Stratford station and had been for a little while. The kettling was down the road a bit, I went past it on my way home. It was fairly ridiculous with many more police than cyclists.
There were a lot of riot vans that went to where the main group was but I don't know what happened there, someone said the vans didn't stop and I did see a lot of people that had been in the main group riding down Mile End afterwards.
After all the drama and show of force with the bridges it was pretty stupid of them not to block the Rotherhithe Tunnel...
• #644
If they'd been clever about it then they could have got across.
• #645
If they'd been clever about it then they could have got across.
They did get across... unfortunately 500 leaderless cyclists and intelligence are not cross correlated!
• #646
i was working on the North side of Southwark Bridge this evening doing a Dr Bike event.
There was a moment when a load of riot vans came over the bridge, woowoos and lights going. We guessed then that the police were doing something regarding CM.
• #647
that was a hoot!
nice to see you again, shinkuu.
• #648
Everybody okay?! Your bikes?
• #649
what was the critical mass for, was it a protest against the Olympics, traffic, politics or just a bunch of middle class twats doing something to provoke a response during a high publicity event so that they could say how they were badly treated by the 'pigs man'. Fucking idiots
• #650
ah, so refreshing.
CM members being kettled at Bow Road, apparently.