^^^^This view is a bit one-dimensional. One man chooses to chuck himself off a building - another wanders down to the local shrink for therapy instead. One choice is lucid, the other is not. Man who chucks himself from a building survives, then realises his mistake. He wants to live after all. Therapy doesn't work for the second man, who calmly chucks himself from the same building with little or no thought about it. He dies, and wanted to.
^^^^This view is a bit one-dimensional. One man chooses to chuck himself off a building - another wanders down to the local shrink for therapy instead. One choice is lucid, the other is not. Man who chucks himself from a building survives, then realises his mistake. He wants to live after all. Therapy doesn't work for the second man, who calmly chucks himself from the same building with little or no thought about it. He dies, and wanted to.