Go slow black cab protest over ORN lanes on Tower Bridge.
Some Cabbie's just jumped out of his cab, threw his keys at the pOlice and jumped into the river!
Head first!
Mad cunt.
Obviously he's been swept up by the river police and arrested as it is now an offence to swim between Thams Barrier and Putney without express written permission from the port of London Authority.
I look forward to many more japes like this thorughout the olympics, as long as it doesn't disrupt the road race or TT.
Source - My mate is the BBC reporter live tweeting it
Go slow black cab protest over ORN lanes on Tower Bridge.
Some Cabbie's just jumped out of his cab, threw his keys at the pOlice and jumped into the river!
Head first!
Mad cunt.
Obviously he's been swept up by the river police and arrested as it is now an offence to swim between Thams Barrier and Putney without express written permission from the port of London Authority.
I look forward to many more japes like this thorughout the olympics, as long as it doesn't disrupt the road race or TT.
Source - My mate is the BBC reporter live tweeting it