• #16002
I must admit I didn't like the Batman films either
• #16003
seems like in all the fuss over trying to stop people taking camcorders into cinemas they forgot all about guns and tear gas.
• #16004
Think of the minstrels!
• #16005
4D innit
• #16006
It's also horrible that the six-year-old who died was called Veronica Moser, that's the last thing you need going through your mind when you're reading something as tragic as that.
• #16007
I thought you were taking the piss!
how unfortunate, imagine people googling the girls name... yikes.
• #16008
Rupert Murdoch has resigned a load of Directorships linked to NI Sky etc. which seems to be important.
• #16009
It's also horrible that the six-year-old who died was called Veronica Moser, that's the last thing you need going through your mind when you're reading something as tragic as that.
I thought you were taking the piss!
how unfortunate, imagine people googling the girls name... yikes.
Poor little girl comes second as well
• #16010
The guy that did it - Will Young lookalike - I get like that when I hear his music too
• #16011
Scat queen, lol.
• #16012
Go slow black cab protest over ORN lanes on Tower Bridge.
Some Cabbie's just jumped out of his cab, threw his keys at the pOlice and jumped into the river!
Head first!
Mad cunt.Obviously he's been swept up by the river police and arrested as it is now an offence to swim between Thams Barrier and Putney without express written permission from the port of London Authority.
I look forward to many more japes like this thorughout the olympics, as long as it doesn't disrupt the road race or TT.
Source - My mate is the BBC reporter live tweeting it
• #16013
^ wow! strong swimmer I hope.
watched a programme a while ago about people who jump off bridges into the Thames - often it's a cry for help not a genuine suicide bid but they don't realise how dangerous it is :/ -
• #16014
^ wow! strong swimmer I hope.
watched a programme a while ago about people who jump off bridges into the Thames - often it's a cry for help not a genuine suicide bid but they don't realise how dangerous it is :/Did you hear ofthe documentary film maker who spent a year filming the Golden Gate Bridge, and turned it into a film about the jumpers, their stories and their families...?
S'fucking heavy going and at points is morally a bit iffy, but interesting none the less.
Full movie here
if you want to spend this beautiful sunny day watching a load of suicide attempts. -
• #16015
I did watch that WjPrince - found it quite interesting too. Didn't know it was the biggest suicide hot spot in the world.
• #16016
often it's a cry for help
This phrase utterly enrages me. -
• #16017
Rupert Murdoch has resigned a load of Directorships linked to NI Sky etc. which seems to be important.
But he will remain chairman of the two companies that will hold all of his previous directorships, meaning that the buck/bullshit still has to stop at his desk, which seems to be important.
• #16018
^^ why?
(not wanting to raise your blood pressure further but would like to know) -
• #16019
For a start, it implies that someone has made the choice to cry for help by hoiking themselves off a tall building.
It makes suicide attempts appear like casual acts of a rational mind.
It means that you can dismiss the attempt.
• #16020
But back to the issue at hand, this jump was an act of protest.
Good on him.
Got it in the news a bit more then a bunch of cabbies going slowly over tower bridge, which is under 10mph at the best of times. -
• #16021
^^ yes it is often misused. but in this case the point was that some of the people who jump off, for instance, Millenium footbridge, really aren't trying to kill themselves but may do so by misjudging how treacherous the river is. I wouldn't call anyone jumping off a tall building or the Golden Gate bridge a 'cry for help'.
• #16022
however I agree it's a crass phrase, and I used it unthinkingly, even if they aren't intending to die, these are people pushed to the limit.
• #16023
^^^^This view is a bit one-dimensional. One man chooses to chuck himself off a building - another wanders down to the local shrink for therapy instead. One choice is lucid, the other is not. Man who chucks himself from a building survives, then realises his mistake. He wants to live after all. Therapy doesn't work for the second man, who calmly chucks himself from the same building with little or no thought about it. He dies, and wanted to.
• #16024
a bit confused by that one TS. also just saw a phantom post that disappeared.
• #16025
that was me. and then I thought better of it.
TS's post makes sense, its perspective innit.
It makes me feel safer at night.