This might be a bit of a slow-burn, but I'm kicking off a project I bought last year. It's a Peugeot track frame formerly owned by a French track champ called Jacques Suires. Plan is to build it up for track use only.
It's Reynolds 531 and probably a training bike or maybe from a school he ran (still trying to dig for more info). I was told it likely dates from late '70s or early '80s - compared to other Peugeots I have from a similar era it seems to tally. Ignore the wheels in this pic, just chucked them on to see what the geometry was like:
Sadly the chrome on the forks is totally shot, the paint is very poor, and the rear chainstay has been drilled - badly - so it looks like a respray.
Still gathering ideas and parts but will update soon...
This might be a bit of a slow-burn, but I'm kicking off a project I bought last year. It's a Peugeot track frame formerly owned by a French track champ called Jacques Suires. Plan is to build it up for track use only.
It's Reynolds 531 and probably a training bike or maybe from a school he ran (still trying to dig for more info). I was told it likely dates from late '70s or early '80s - compared to other Peugeots I have from a similar era it seems to tally. Ignore the wheels in this pic, just chucked them on to see what the geometry was like:
Sadly the chrome on the forks is totally shot, the paint is very poor, and the rear chainstay has been drilled - badly - so it looks like a respray.
Still gathering ideas and parts but will update soon...