• Hoorah for the North York Moors.

    Among the highlights were three tricky climbs (Caper Hill, Rosedale Chimney, Blakey Bank) and some easy descents around Rosedale. Also enjoyable was an assortment of longish gentle hills, the summits of which offered excellent views of inviting road. The transport from London to Malton and back was dead easy.

    Saturday was good, but Sunday (more or less Saturday backwards) was better.

    I've included the routes as I completed them; though both feature a balls up. The easternmost part of the Moors was skipped after my plotted route indicated a left turn onto private roads owned by the MOD. So, in order to avoid being shot at by tanks, I opted for a stretch of the A170 to digs in Scarborough. It was 'fine', but the better option (I spotted after returning home), via Danby Forest Drive, would have reconnected me with my original route, and provided the opportunity to polish off what remained of the countryside.

    Top stuff though, all the same. I don't think that the Moors get quite the same exposure as do other destinations, but they're well worth a visit. The airy, open feeling of scrubby moorland was a treat.

    Better out than in.
