Yeah, i'm in two minds. With a bit of patience I should be able to land a pair of decent loakes on ebay for say 50-100, while church's etc would prob reach 100-150.
Haven't decided yet how much I want to spend. They'll need to be slim enough for a suit, which means I can't really get much use of them in jeans, chinos etc, so they won't really see that much use. Then again, buy cheap, buy twice...
Yeah, i'm in two minds. With a bit of patience I should be able to land a pair of decent loakes on ebay for say 50-100, while church's etc would prob reach 100-150.
Haven't decided yet how much I want to spend. They'll need to be slim enough for a suit, which means I can't really get much use of them in jeans, chinos etc, so they won't really see that much use. Then again, buy cheap, buy twice...