First of all, get well soon! Sounds like a nasty accident and I hope you’re not in too much pain.
Which bit of your hip did you break? It’s great that you’re already able to walk a bit and I hope you continue to mend so quickly. Did you have surgery at all?
I can offer some insight into the world of broken hips as I had mine surgically broken and then put back together when I was 23. I wasn’t allowed to put any weight on it at all for 3 weeks, couldn’t fully weight-bear for nearly 2 months, and all in all, was on crutches for 3.5 months. For the first 6 weeks I couldn’t lie on my side or bend my hip beyond 90 degrees (so had to sit on really high chairs). It was a pretty horrendous experience. I have 3 six-inch metal pins in my trochanter and although my hip doesn’t really hurt any more, I’ve got huge problems with my iliotibial band now as all the scar tissue from my hip fused to it (grim). But that’s all by the by! I ride and run and most people have no idea that anything like this happened to me.
What I did, was once I could move about a bit I found cycling on a stationary bike really useful as it moves all the muscles in the hip. I also did a lot of walking, at least 3 hours per day. I didn’t actually ride a bike for ages – maybe 4 or 5 months, partly because I was terrified of falling off and smashing my hip. I started running after about 6 months, which hurt like fuck but was quite useful (and felt amazing, after not being able to walk for so long).
Definitely get yourself to physio as soon as your doctor says you’re okay to do it, and try to go to somewhere like Crystal Palace sports physio rather than the hospital physio, as it makes a big difference to work with a physiotherapist that understands that you want to be able to ride again, rather than a physio who thinks that getting a really limited range of motion back is good enough (I’ve had both types of physio).
Heal up fast and feel free to message me if you want any more info. Or if you want therabands (I have so many therabands...).
First of all, get well soon! Sounds like a nasty accident and I hope you’re not in too much pain.
Which bit of your hip did you break? It’s great that you’re already able to walk a bit and I hope you continue to mend so quickly. Did you have surgery at all?
I can offer some insight into the world of broken hips as I had mine surgically broken and then put back together when I was 23. I wasn’t allowed to put any weight on it at all for 3 weeks, couldn’t fully weight-bear for nearly 2 months, and all in all, was on crutches for 3.5 months. For the first 6 weeks I couldn’t lie on my side or bend my hip beyond 90 degrees (so had to sit on really high chairs). It was a pretty horrendous experience. I have 3 six-inch metal pins in my trochanter and although my hip doesn’t really hurt any more, I’ve got huge problems with my iliotibial band now as all the scar tissue from my hip fused to it (grim). But that’s all by the by! I ride and run and most people have no idea that anything like this happened to me.
What I did, was once I could move about a bit I found cycling on a stationary bike really useful as it moves all the muscles in the hip. I also did a lot of walking, at least 3 hours per day. I didn’t actually ride a bike for ages – maybe 4 or 5 months, partly because I was terrified of falling off and smashing my hip. I started running after about 6 months, which hurt like fuck but was quite useful (and felt amazing, after not being able to walk for so long).
Definitely get yourself to physio as soon as your doctor says you’re okay to do it, and try to go to somewhere like Crystal Palace sports physio rather than the hospital physio, as it makes a big difference to work with a physiotherapist that understands that you want to be able to ride again, rather than a physio who thinks that getting a really limited range of motion back is good enough (I’ve had both types of physio).
Heal up fast and feel free to message me if you want any more info. Or if you want therabands (I have so many therabands...).