Yes everything is encrypted. It defaults to the https protocol as it comes bundles with 'Always HTTPS'. Not sure how the browser handles sites that do not support SSL though.
You do not need to use the Tor browser just to encrypt all traffic. You can install the add-on in Firefox and probably Chrome.
When using Tor, you will be going through the Tor network and your connection will be notably slower so you may want to think about using these add-ons instead. Depends what you are up to :)
TORbot is not worth using unless you have rooted your android as it most likely will not work correctly
Yes everything is encrypted. It defaults to the https protocol as it comes bundles with 'Always HTTPS'. Not sure how the browser handles sites that do not support SSL though.
You do not need to use the Tor browser just to encrypt all traffic. You can install the add-on in Firefox and probably Chrome.
When using Tor, you will be going through the Tor network and your connection will be notably slower so you may want to think about using these add-ons instead. Depends what you are up to :)
TORbot is not worth using unless you have rooted your android as it most likely will not work correctly