I've only taken it out to practise in the park next to my house. I fell off literally the second I clipped my first foot in though. That was a bit of a chuckle moment. I adjusted the pedals to their loosest, just have to get better at unclipping I suppose.
Yes it's fixed but the hub is a double track so I might add a freewheel and second brake in the future. Depends on if I get any better at riding fixed :P
I've only taken it out to practise in the park next to my house. I fell off literally the second I clipped my first foot in though. That was a bit of a chuckle moment. I adjusted the pedals to their loosest, just have to get better at unclipping I suppose.
Yes it's fixed but the hub is a double track so I might add a freewheel and second brake in the future. Depends on if I get any better at riding fixed :P