• #2
Not for long...
• #3
• #4
• #5
• #6
not a dalek but another giant commerce phallus with which our capitalist overlords would fuck the very heavens and spew the seeds of their evil ideology into the air which all free men must breath.
• #7
Tom, excellent Half Life reference.
• #8
shardly, sharts,
anyone else feeling a bit bitter?
• #9
So glad I'm not the only one who thinks of 'sharts' when I hear of The Shard.
• #10
• #11
The shard is nowt compared to Leeds' tallest building:
Exterminate! Exterminate! -
• #12
I live about 5 mins from the shard, I can see it if I lean out my window. So I try not to lean out my window.
I don't hate it as much as I used to, but it still bears little or no relation to its surroundings, which I find very arrogant. It could be worse though, I'm only indifferent to the natwest tower because it's always been there to me.
• #13
just the latest cocaine fueled phalusy in a loooong line of mentalists at the wheel of building projects. would look fine in Las Vegas or Dubai or on the set of "fuck me look at that massive waste of money " looks out of place in the smoke IMO.
• #14
Excessively tall buildings are the architectural manifestation of social injustice. Most wealth is based on land or access to land, and over-developing sites like the Shard's site is wrong. Development should be more even.
Where, as in Manhattan, clusters of tall buildings have been developed, the injustice is not so much between individual adjacent plots but between the whole centre and its surroundings. In Britain, a good example is the inequality in property values between the North and the South-east.
These imbalances are extremely damaging.
In the particular case of the Shard, the policy of over-developing individual centrally-located sites adopted by the previous Mayor of London was essentially a counsel of helplessness as there was no method to ensure more even distribution of development.
• #15
^ Or, in other words, we're all doooooooomed!
• #16
I don't hate it as much as I used to, but it still bears little or no relation to its surroundings, which I find very arrogant. .
thank god for that:
thats what dominated the area before and the brown turd of london bridge station.
• #17
Tallest hospital in the world that. UK NUMBER 1!
• #18
In the same vein as Oliver's post, I've always found it quite amusing that they* have finally built themselves an ivory tower.
*they in this post being the Aristocracy, the controllers of production, the Government, the bankers, the Ikean lizard people, the aliens from They Live, the oligarchs, the free Masons ect ect. Pick your oppressor of choice.
• #19
Lizards run Ikea! Thats why when i go there to buy a spoon i come out with 30,000 pounds worth of tea candles. Ffs
• #20
proof that it is indeed a Dalek at night!
I took this from Parliament Fields
• #21
there were more people on the streets for that light 'show' than NYE. Saps. I wonder how many will turn out if I shine my knog outside my window? SE1 is about to become even more bland...Yay.
No? I'll get me coat then.
Best view is heading east down Southwark street