I don't get the swastika thing at all. I know that it predates the nazi thing by a few hundred years or whatever, and that they revolved it in a different direction or whatever (I'm not that interested in the history of it to be honest), but it seems a little close to the line to me. I supposed what would bother me is people looking at me and my tattoo and thinking I was a fascist. I'd also get bored to death explaining it to everyone who asked zzzzz.
I'm probably entirely wrong but I imagine slightly nihilistic righteous types feeling smug about it's wholesome real meaning but enjoying the provocative connotations of the nazi swastika. Hmm. Or maybe it's more about reclaiming an ancient symbol? Personally I couldn't be arsed with the ambiguity. Anyone else have any thoughts about it?
I actually saw it as a set of tesselating '+' shaped tiles, I didn't see the swastikas until your comment.
I actually saw it as a set of tesselating '+' shaped tiles, I didn't see the swastikas until your comment.