I doubt that. Let's be honest about it, this isn't a battle between knowledge and ignorance; I know as much as anyone about the pre-Nazi symbolism of the swastika, but I still wouldn't get it inked on me.
Your choice. I respect that.
As far as I'm concerned, any genuine reclamation of a symbol has to be done from a position of understanding. And if people who had these symbols tattooed on them showed a bit more understanding, I probably wouldn't think it was stupid
I agree entirely with this, I live entirely by the desire to leave the most minimal of marks on this planet. I didn't have a choice in being born but I do have a choice about how I abuse our home and it's inhabitants.
But usually - and this is borne out above - the reasons seem to be more often based around a sort of 'my body my choice' coda. Which imo is not a justification, but a dodge.
As this is directly related to what I said above I'll ask you a question, do you think I should have to explain myself every time that someone asks? Maybe, the answer is a more polite way of saying, "It's none of your fucking business".