I've built a couple of frames with just propane (bullfinch autobraze) and silver, but used the above for brass fillet brazing on my most recent. You can buy oxygen cheaper through other companies, if you don't want the refill costs (although you own the cylinder, most companies will only refill cylinders that they have sold). The 1l fuel gas is a propylene mix, but seems to burn very nicely and lasts okay, you can get replacements for about £13.
Looking forward to seeing this develop! I was planning another frame this summer but seem to have run out of money, so will have to take an unhealthy interest in yours instead.
The building of the Walrus Flyer was a key factor in encouraging me to have a go a frame-building in the first place. I will be happy if the results of my efforts turn out to be half as good as yours. Cheers.
The building of the Walrus Flyer was a key factor in encouraging me to have a go a frame-building in the first place. I will be happy if the results of my efforts turn out to be half as good as yours. Cheers.