have you considered a maintenance course? setting up gears is quite simple once you understand the principles
I have believe me. I have this thing inside me that says I'll fix something myself - or at least have a go at it.
Also in my part of the country I can't imagine this they have these courses much.
I set up my gears when I first put them on the bike but believe that's part of the problem I've encountered now. This was after reading about it on line many times and thinking I knew what I was doing.
Hopefully It's just the rear mech that's gone and not the shifters - I'm not in the situation to afford new shifters now although ribble does have them for the good price of £150.
I have believe me. I have this thing inside me that says I'll fix something myself - or at least have a go at it.
Also in my part of the country I can't imagine this they have these courses much.
I set up my gears when I first put them on the bike but believe that's part of the problem I've encountered now. This was after reading about it on line many times and thinking I knew what I was doing.
Hopefully It's just the rear mech that's gone and not the shifters - I'm not in the situation to afford new shifters now although ribble does have them for the good price of £150.