We caught a guy on a beautiful Moulton right at the end - he was indeed flying, and it was a lovely bike. If you like that sort of thing.
I got to Dunwich at 4am and he'd been there awhile! Moultons are quicker than Bromptons, but several times the price (or Brompton riders are slower than Moulton riders, but several times the weight?).
Loved the Brompton train, I caught wiff of them lining up nicely outside a pub in formation as if it's ready for a Le Man-style start near the feed stop.
Would love to attempt that ride on a Brompton, abet without tribar naturally.
Would love to have joined them! All I can say is, if you do it on a B then take a cushion because my everything tingles (and not doing a lot else) since Dunwich!!! My first ton on a Brommie and I did all four station runs as well, so up around 135 miles.
Another thing: you can do worse than finding a tandem to draft, because they keep the climbing speed down a bit. You can't really stand in the pedals on a B, as you can't on a tandem, so a tandem's uphill pace is less demoralising than trying to keep up with roadies (or ss'n'fixies). I followed what looked to be a husband-and-wife team for a good part of the way and they got to Dunwich around 4.30 I think. They had a scrap of plastic as the spray catcher on the rear guard and must've left Hackney around 8.05pm -- are they known around these parts? If so -- THANK YOU!!!
I got to Dunwich at 4am and he'd been there awhile! Moultons are quicker than Bromptons, but several times the price (or Brompton riders are slower than Moulton riders, but several times the weight?).
Would love to have joined them! All I can say is, if you do it on a B then take a cushion because my everything tingles (and not doing a lot else) since Dunwich!!! My first ton on a Brommie and I did all four station runs as well, so up around 135 miles.
Another thing: you can do worse than finding a tandem to draft, because they keep the climbing speed down a bit. You can't really stand in the pedals on a B, as you can't on a tandem, so a tandem's uphill pace is less demoralising than trying to keep up with roadies (or ss'n'fixies). I followed what looked to be a husband-and-wife team for a good part of the way and they got to Dunwich around 4.30 I think. They had a scrap of plastic as the spray catcher on the rear guard and must've left Hackney around 8.05pm -- are they known around these parts? If so -- THANK YOU!!!