Of all the inventions that came out of the bicycle industry, probably none is as important and useful as Dr. [Dunlop](http://sheldonbrown.com/gloss_dr-z.html#dunlop)'s [pneumatic](http://sheldonbrown.com/gloss_p.html#pneumatic) [tire](http://sheldonbrown.com/gloss_ta-o.html#tire).
Airless tires have been obsolete for over a century, but crackpot "inventors" keep trying to bring them back. They are heavy, slow and give a harsh ride. They are also likely to cause wheel damage, due to their poor cushioning ability. A [pneumatic](http://sheldonbrown.com/gloss_p.html#pneumatic) tire uses all of the air in the whole tube as a shock absorber, while foam-type "airless" tires/tubes only use the air in the immediate area of impact.
Pneumatic tires require pumping up from time to time, and can go flat, but their advantages overwhelm these difficulties.
Airless tire schemes have also been used by con artists to gull unsuspecting investors. My advice is to avoid this long-obsolete system.
Sheldon quite concisely says:
** Airless Tires **