• Please can everyone stop talking about gpx/garmin. It's fucking boring. There is a route sheet available for £1, which probably goes towards some relatively good cause. It includes relevant details, such as the route, and the location of the feed stop.

    Perhaps it's escaped the attention of some, but DD is a mass ride, so you probably won't even need to look at the route sheet, or a garmin, because there will most likely be a steady stream of hi-viz and lycra ahead of you following some smart alec that knows the route. If you are by yourself at some point, you can consider yourself lucky.

    If you do get lost, you should panic for at least 10 minutes, bang on the door of the nearest house and ask what county you are in and where you need to go. I'm sure they'll understand.
    direction is important...

    Grumpy grouch!

    Why arent you riding you bike?!
