Different strokes. The bit of GPS data that I worry about most is distance, and seeing the trace of where I've been, so it doesn't bother me. I'm thinking about the Dynamo - doubt my Edge 200 will last the whole way. So I'm going to do Tooting to the start on the phone, upload that, then run the Garmin to Dunwich. Then I'll probably have to go back to my phone for the 40 miles to Norwich. Then I'll have to stitch the files together in notepad. Really don't want to miss out on getting a trace for the whole ride. Sad, I know.
Different strokes. The bit of GPS data that I worry about most is distance, and seeing the trace of where I've been, so it doesn't bother me. I'm thinking about the Dynamo - doubt my Edge 200 will last the whole way. So I'm going to do Tooting to the start on the phone, upload that, then run the Garmin to Dunwich. Then I'll probably have to go back to my phone for the 40 miles to Norwich. Then I'll have to stitch the files together in notepad. Really don't want to miss out on getting a trace for the whole ride. Sad, I know.