Timmy2wheels - grey/medium/green-striped cap (but please let me know sizing before I pay!
CHW0112 - GREY/LARGE : Blue Spotted (Will pay/confirm with size chart.)
22.CHARLOTTE83 - GREY - LADIES MEDIUM: Green striped cap (double checking sizing)
jetame - white/small/red spotted cap. Thanks!
S1MON - WHITE / SMALL : Red spotted cap
Epam - GREY / MEDIUM : blue polka cap
STEVO_COM - GREY / LARGE : blue polka cap PAID
Rodolfo - GREY / MEDIUM : red polka cap (will pay/confirm with size chart) (+ will add a bit for postage to the Netherlands)
Ada - GREY/LADIES MEDIUM : green striped cap
homingmissle - GREY / MEDIUM : Blue Striped Cap
Puiyin - GREY / MEDIUM: Red polka cap - will pay by end of weekend
kvik - WHITE / MEDIUM: Green striped cap (or if possible - 3 otters with different caps, like the test :)) - + shipping to Denmark, will pay when I know how much extra to pay!
22.CHARLOTTE83 - GREY - LADIES MEDIUM: Green striped cap (double checking sizing)