• #2
hire one from HSS?
• #3
hire one from HSS?
buying it then sticking it on ebay beats rental 90% of the time.
• #4
try to stretch to blue bosch, if not just get their cheap green ones. Either way, you'll get a half decent tool.
• #5
one lightly abused alfie, all threads and seals
blownintact -
• #6
Buy a cord drill and an extension cable.
Do this- and get a corded SDS drill.
Cordless hammer drills are either shit or spendy.
• #7
I dont want to rent, becuase im sure i will need it in the future again.
Looking at: http://www.diy.com/nav/fix/power-tools/drilling-screwdriving/-cordedcordless-Cordless/JCB-20V-Lithium-Combi-Drill-12157537
JCB number, seems ok with 2 batteries, but fear it may bit a tad shite.
but it does have a 5yr warranty.But that Bosch looks like it might be a better buy, it just means i wont be getting a dropper post for my MTB this side of christmas (not necessarily a bad thing....)
• #8
Also, i would need a lot of extension cable, running over a road to get to my garage :/
• #9
I have this one http://www.screwfix.com/p/dewalt-d25013n-gb-2kg-sds-hammer-drill-240v/92018
£99, and I can vouch for its ability to drill through anything, plus demolish walls when in "junior pneumatic drill" mode.
Honestly, it's a great bit of kit.
• #10
If you are near SE23 you are welcome to borrow it, with my extension cord.
• #11
chehers, but alas i am no where near SE23, i am one of the 'outsiders' from the dark subcounty of Essex.
• #12
I dont want to rent, becuase im sure i will need it in the future again.
Looking at: http://www.diy.com/nav/fix/power-tools/drilling-screwdriving/-cordedcordless-Cordless/JCB-20V-Lithium-Combi-Drill-12157537
JCB number, seems ok with 2 batteries, but fear it may bit a tad shite.
but it does have a 5yr warranty.But that Bosch looks like it might be a better buy, it just means i wont be getting a dropper post for my MTB this side of christmas (not necessarily a bad thing....)
JCB always seem to be pretty wank, certainly not any better than parkside or any of the other supermarket brands.
If you want to go really cheap, http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=cordless+combi+drill&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1241&bih=606&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=11909427065880628974&sa=X&ei=WproT_C-D5Ca0QXO-IXrCA&ved=0CJEBEPMCMAA.
DeWalt are normally ok: http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=cordless+combi+drill&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1241&bih=606&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10562509135412448995&sa=X&ei=WproT_C-D5Ca0QXO-IXrCA&ved=0CKcBEPMCMAU
That's pretty much bang on £100. -
• #13
oh haha just saw the real price of that dewalt. Google shopping really is shite.
• #14
Panasonic ftw
Njs drillz4lyfe, priced accordingly...
i need a hammer drill, does anyone have any experience with a cordless one?
Tight budget of around £100, so i know it will hardly be top end, but i only need to whack a few holes in the garage (with no power) to stick some shelves up.
any suggestions of ones to look at/ avoid?
much appreciated!