Facebook is pretty gash, but I tell ya, after using it for a good while I can honestly say Twitter is so fucking pointless it's not even funny - it really is - as a tool for communication - akin to shouting into an endless black hole
And I really DETEST how it's somehow become a legitimate medium for news - everytime I hear a news person on Channel 4 or whatever give their Twitter details, I cringe inside. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't called Twitter, but it just strikes me as completely without worth and infantile in the extreme
Facebook is pretty gash, but I tell ya, after using it for a good while I can honestly say Twitter is so fucking pointless it's not even funny - it really is - as a tool for communication - akin to shouting into an endless black hole
And I really DETEST how it's somehow become a legitimate medium for news - everytime I hear a news person on Channel 4 or whatever give their Twitter details, I cringe inside. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't called Twitter, but it just strikes me as completely without worth and infantile in the extreme
Tw@t me up sometime - @usernameisfree
I won't EVER respond though