Am really pleased with the results over the past 2 months I've been on this diet but it takes a tonne of willpower. I don't mind though because once I'm off phase 1 I can start introducing more 'real' food.
In terms of calories I'm on about 600 a day and have been for nearly 2 months now. It's entirely doable (with medical advice - saw a doctor before starting and have had blood tests). On paper you'd look at 600 calories a day and laugh at it being impossible to function on such a small amount but I actually have more energy now than when I was almsot 3 stone heavier 2 months ago.
Basically in terms of calorie intake it's very similar to the diet that was in the press not so long ago that reversed type 2 diabetes in the majority of a test group up in Newcastle. No natural sugars (fruit is out unfortunately at least for phase 1), no starchy vegetables or carbs. The calorie and food type restrictions causing the pancreas and liver to expel / consume stored fat.
Hey could you give me a breakdown of what you eat on a normal day. Are you doing any further exercise?
Hey could you give me a breakdown of what you eat on a normal day. Are you doing any further exercise?