So has any one here used a 3 speed hub? or any type of geared hub, i spent the last hour trying to find out about them, but all i can find is pages of boring info but no reviews by people who actually used them.
I've got a sturmey archer 5 speed hub on my trike. It's good and has a very wide range of gears - big steps in between. Yes it is heavy, yes it takes quite a bit of set up to get it shift nicely. But it has a massive drum brake in it that is very strong (why i bought it) and you can shift gears whilst stationary, which is an absolute godsend with a trike.
Take what trike related advice you can from this. Oh and buy a nuvinci hub as they look ace (but insanely heavy).
I've got a sturmey archer 5 speed hub on my trike. It's good and has a very wide range of gears - big steps in between. Yes it is heavy, yes it takes quite a bit of set up to get it shift nicely. But it has a massive drum brake in it that is very strong (why i bought it) and you can shift gears whilst stationary, which is an absolute godsend with a trike.
Take what trike related advice you can from this. Oh and buy a nuvinci hub as they look ace (but insanely heavy).