Event happening on One Tree Hill (Honor Oak) this evening. Sounds interesting - borders Southwark/Lewisham.
"You are invited to join us for Summer Solstice 2012 Sacred Celebration and LoveBeam on the actual day of the Solstice ♥
Longest Day and Shortest Night… Midsummer… let’s honour the incredible strength of the sun and the divine powers that create life… let’s
honour Beautiful Gaia and the abundance she gives… let’s honour amazing awesome life itself… let’s honour ourselves and our wonderful
friends… let’s gather together in circles and feel love and unity…let’s beam love, light and peace to Gaia and all Beings… let’s play,
sing and dance in joy… let’s feel alive in nature… together as One…"
If anyone wants yet more Summr Solstace frolicks:
Event happening on One Tree Hill (Honor Oak) this evening. Sounds interesting - borders Southwark/Lewisham.
"You are invited to join us for Summer Solstice 2012 Sacred Celebration and LoveBeam on the actual day of the Solstice ♥
Longest Day and Shortest Night… Midsummer… let’s honour the incredible strength of the sun and the divine powers that create life… let’s
honour Beautiful Gaia and the abundance she gives… let’s honour amazing awesome life itself… let’s honour ourselves and our wonderful
friends… let’s gather together in circles and feel love and unity…let’s beam love, light and peace to Gaia and all Beings… let’s play,
sing and dance in joy… let’s feel alive in nature… together as One…"
^ Sheesh, that is rather hippy.