Met a bunch of braver, more talented blokes who revealed some bits of trail I hadn't discovered. Steep bits. I froze with a fistful of front brake and cartwheeled down being beaten by the boat anchor following me.
Now I have the familiar developing pain in my lower left ribcage. Right now it hurts to hiccup, in a week's time I'll need pushing out of bed. Can't wait.
May have been the last MTB ride I do - I fucking hate coming back from a ride on a downer.
Broke a rib tonight. Fucksticks.
Met a bunch of braver, more talented blokes who revealed some bits of trail I hadn't discovered. Steep bits. I froze with a fistful of front brake and cartwheeled down being beaten by the boat anchor following me.
Now I have the familiar developing pain in my lower left ribcage. Right now it hurts to hiccup, in a week's time I'll need pushing out of bed. Can't wait.
May have been the last MTB ride I do - I fucking hate coming back from a ride on a downer.
Whinge over.