Really? How can they quantify what is affordable to you so long as it's under your monthly income? Surely only you can say what that is. One person with a lavish lifestyle and lots of outgoings every month shouldn't have as much to spend on a house as a person who doesn't go out at all all things being equal.
Once we move my wife will be the only one using the car. But even that's only something like 15 miles every day.
I'll still beat her home in rush hour traffic though!
Really? How can they quantify what is affordable to you so long as it's under your monthly income? Surely only you can say what that is. One person with a lavish lifestyle and lots of outgoings every month shouldn't have as much to spend on a house as a person who doesn't go out at all all things being equal.
Once we move my wife will be the only one using the car. But even that's only something like 15 miles every day.
I'll still beat her home in rush hour traffic though!