i dont particularly like any car drivers when they are driving. it seems people get into this mentality when they are behind the wheel that they have a right of way irrelevant of where they are. the advert on the telly where people are walking around bumping into eachother has it spot on, we dont act like that when we are vulnerable i.e. a pedestrian because there is always someone bigger/harder than you that will prevent you from doing it, but behind a wheel of a vehicle, well, people turn into twats. its almost like a switch. i have just sold my car and dont intend to replace it, a totally alien concept to my wife who doesnt understand why somone would not want a car but to me, all drivers are complete fuckers who are trying to kill me because they are far superior to me (well at least until they get out of the car) but by far the worst are the builders/trades that drive around in their scabby transit/escort/swb tippers (pikeys included) who whould never ride a bike because they are to busy getting pissed in the pub (need to get a part back in 2 hours).
people? fuck them :)
Do capital letters piss you off aswell?