Of course they are. In case you hadn't noticed, Formula 1 is no longer just about the drivers. It's a lifestyle. All the press shite they contractually involve themselves in means that clear communication is essential. Lewis' accent makes him sound like a nouveau-riche pikey.
I don't give a toss if he hangs out the back of chaps (or has chaps hanging out the back of him) on his weekends off, but the cameras seem to think that we give a shit that his simpering, botox-filled, casting couch gracing, hound of a partner is worthy of our screens when McClaren make a balls-up of (yet) another pit-stop or when a decision goes against him.
Besides, no-one will ever make a docu-film about him like they did his hero.
Of course they are. In case you hadn't noticed, Formula 1 is no longer just about the drivers. It's a lifestyle. All the press shite they contractually involve themselves in means that clear communication is essential. Lewis' accent makes him sound like a nouveau-riche pikey.
I don't give a toss if he hangs out the back of chaps (or has chaps hanging out the back of him) on his weekends off, but the cameras seem to think that we give a shit that his simpering, botox-filled, casting couch gracing, hound of a partner is worthy of our screens when McClaren make a balls-up of (yet) another pit-stop or when a decision goes against him.
Besides, no-one will ever make a docu-film about him like they did his hero.