Depends on tyre choice. They're sweet with 700x35 Marathon Racers, but obviously with a 38mm rim you can never run any tyres narrower than 35c, and with a Pompetamine you can't use anything bigger either (700x40 Marathon Supremes fit, but clearance is 70s-track-bike tight)
If you want a happy medium, rim width of ~28mm seems about right - you can then use pretty much any rubber from 28 to 38
Depends on tyre choice. They're sweet with 700x35 Marathon Racers, but obviously with a 38mm rim you can never run any tyres narrower than 35c, and with a Pompetamine you can't use anything bigger either (700x40 Marathon Supremes fit, but clearance is 70s-track-bike tight)
If you want a happy medium, rim width of ~28mm seems about right - you can then use pretty much any rubber from 28 to 38