So I was taking my time on the way in this morning and didn't bother filtering. This left me alongside a taxi for some stretch of Euston road, and as it was fairly sunny, dead slow traffic thought I'd say hello to the taxi driver.
Mentioned something about the olympic route network and how the road will be like this everyday... He responded with a smile and the sage advice that it wasn't worth getting stressed about.
As my usual dealings with taxi drivers usually involve someone calling someone else a cunt this interaction felt refreshingly pleasent. As we moved off I reckon a little positive dialogue with a cyclist might just keep his eyes a bit more focussed next time someone on two wheels is in front of him...
So, why not try a friendly chat with the next taxi you're alongside? You might just be surprised that they aren't a raving homicidal racist, and help London take a small step to better cycling conditions.
So I was taking my time on the way in this morning and didn't bother filtering. This left me alongside a taxi for some stretch of Euston road, and as it was fairly sunny, dead slow traffic thought I'd say hello to the taxi driver.
Mentioned something about the olympic route network and how the road will be like this everyday... He responded with a smile and the sage advice that it wasn't worth getting stressed about.
As my usual dealings with taxi drivers usually involve someone calling someone else a cunt this interaction felt refreshingly pleasent. As we moved off I reckon a little positive dialogue with a cyclist might just keep his eyes a bit more focussed next time someone on two wheels is in front of him...
So, why not try a friendly chat with the next taxi you're alongside? You might just be surprised that they aren't a raving homicidal racist, and help London take a small step to better cycling conditions.