*Article 5 *- The bicycle
**5.1. **The development of the bicycle may not exceed 3.50 metres (3.828 yards).
**5.2. **The total length of the bicycle may not exceed 1.80 metres (1.968 yards). 5.3Any object intended to prevent the ball from passing through or under the frame is forbidden.
**5.4 **The handlebar must have rubber bar ends fitted. 5.5 Wheels must have a minimum of 32 spokes. 5.6 All equipment which could be considered dangerous (and/or unnecessary) shall be removed from the bicycle. (For example, kickstand, bottle-carrier, toe clips, bell, lights, pedals made of sharp metal). 5.7 The decision as to whether equipment is dangerous and must be removed or replaced shall lie with the referee.
Polo Ireland Rules
*Article 5 *- The bicycle
**5.1. **The development of the bicycle may not exceed 3.50 metres (3.828 yards).
**5.2. **The total length of the bicycle may not exceed 1.80 metres (1.968 yards).
5.3Any object intended to prevent the ball from passing through or under the frame is forbidden.
**5.4 **The handlebar must have rubber bar ends fitted.
5.5 Wheels must have a minimum of 32 spokes.
5.6 All equipment which could be considered dangerous (and/or unnecessary) shall be removed from the bicycle. (For example, kickstand, bottle-carrier, toe clips, bell, lights, pedals made of sharp metal).
5.7 The decision as to whether equipment is dangerous and must be removed or replaced shall lie with the referee.