4. You might be surprised of matches coming back from a 4-2 loss to a 6-5 win. Even with teams "playing the clock". 4th problem solved!
When you look Britghon, no one of the game answer this situation, that's all : or under 5, or obviously high goald diff.
Argument for paying a lot to come: is a good one.
We clearly have to deal with mechanichal. I think we should have several options for ref:
First: Mechanical due to the player: Old chain breaking, chain issues, opening game issues. Most of these happens early in the game or more than one time. For this, the ref should be able to let not more than 30 sec or max 1 minute delay, and then put the clock back on. I know several players who always as shit like that, and they ask way to often time out. Also refs often ask opponents if they let them a bonus time out etc. Every time people say yes, because we are all nice and happy to take a break and drink.
another one is mechinacal as flat (on a not too used tire), and independant from players stuff. This should be something around 2 minutes or 3 time out.
third is when the mechanical is after a collision between oppenent, and we should think about it too. maybe if the player can't come back within 2 or 3 min, both player implicated are out...
this is just ideas, but clearly we lost way too much time due to mechincal, and i will say half of them can be avoided by keepin' your bike in track with systematical checks.
4. You might be surprised of matches coming back from a 4-2 loss to a 6-5 win. Even with teams "playing the clock". 4th problem solved!
When you look Britghon, no one of the game answer this situation, that's all : or under 5, or obviously high goald diff.
Argument for paying a lot to come: is a good one.
We clearly have to deal with mechanichal. I think we should have several options for ref:
First: Mechanical due to the player: Old chain breaking, chain issues, opening game issues. Most of these happens early in the game or more than one time. For this, the ref should be able to let not more than 30 sec or max 1 minute delay, and then put the clock back on. I know several players who always as shit like that, and they ask way to often time out. Also refs often ask opponents if they let them a bonus time out etc. Every time people say yes, because we are all nice and happy to take a break and drink.
another one is mechinacal as flat (on a not too used tire), and independant from players stuff. This should be something around 2 minutes or 3 time out.
third is when the mechanical is after a collision between oppenent, and we should think about it too. maybe if the player can't come back within 2 or 3 min, both player implicated are out...
this is just ideas, but clearly we lost way too much time due to mechincal, and i will say half of them can be avoided by keepin' your bike in track with systematical checks.