Issues with unlmtd goals (mostly at worlds):
-You can't win some time. And schedule are always tight.
-Some people may not like get beaten by 17 goals differences
-In 10 minutes, tights games stay under 5. Looks like it don't change actual balanced games.
-People get used to play to 5, and sometime you gonna take more risk to reach for 5th golas if you lead 4-2. Is you play unlmtd you maybe push people to play the clock more when they lead.
-People get used to play to 5, organize worlds around a new standard like that can be weird.
So the only real agument for them is time on the court for weaker team. But is this time really helpfull? is the time you gonna spend sein' a team take goal on goal worth it in front of don't being late on a schedule?
5 goals rule can be see as tennis rule, a tennis player as Nadal can kill a game in 1 hour and half.
Get John H to plan the gaming schedule. First problem solved!
Who cares what "some people" think? 5-0 in 2 minutes sucks a lot. Second problem solved!
Not an actual isuue. 3rd problem solved!
You might be surprised of matches coming back from a 4-2 loss to a 6-5 win. Even with teams "playing the clock". 4th problem solved!
People get used to lots of things, especially when they improve the game we all love. 5th and last problem solved!!!