• The lower rolling resistance feels great when slaining the bike. It wants to run away from you like a mischievous* child. Once you're moving, and dealing with overcoming other forces, the sensation is lost completely. You'd need to be optimised in so many other ways first before that up-to-5W saving at 50km/h comes into play.

    Puncture resistance - well, it seemed about the same, in that during 1000 miles I got 1 puncture from some kind of fuck-off penetration by a monster shard of glass (in the rain) which tends to be about my luck on butyl. Impossible to call.

    Ride and handling - imperceptible. If anything, once pressures are adjusted to give the same level of tyre drop, I prefer butyl.

    Longterm adhesion of puncture patches seems better on butyl. I was getting accelerated air loss on the front wheel (patched) relative to the rear wheel (unpatched). Not sure what was going on there. It was a decent patching job.

    Weight was the same in the case of what I used: ~75g.

    Price was double for latex. Verging on triple due to better deals coming up on butyl from time to time.

    I know my place.
