The word 'if' suggsts that I do not think that you are racist. Rather it suggests that you might be. MIGHT. The reason that I think that you might be is that you do not care about offending people because of their speech impediment, which presumably means you are happy to take the piss out of someone with cerebal palsy, and if you're stupid enough and uncaring enough to do that you could easily be a racist too.
Are you saying that you are not racist?
My use of capitals is for emphasis. HTH.
So you go from me making a light hearted comment about a speech impediment which was actually a comment aimed at diffusing a situation which you were trying to blow up out of all proportions to posing that I may take the piss out of disabled people to POSSIBLY being a racist. Why not go the whole hog and ask if I am a neo Nazi holocaust denier?
Don't you have an undergrad philosophy assignment to be getting on with or something?
As for me denying I am a racist. How about you tell us what team you support and I will then tell you whether or not I am a racist?
So you go from me making a light hearted comment about a speech impediment which was actually a comment aimed at diffusing a situation which you were trying to blow up out of all proportions to posing that I may take the piss out of disabled people to POSSIBLY being a racist. Why not go the whole hog and ask if I am a neo Nazi holocaust denier?
Don't you have an undergrad philosophy assignment to be getting on with or something?
As for me denying I am a racist. How about you tell us what team you support and I will then tell you whether or not I am a racist?