Agree, didn't realise the chain had to be quite so taut, assuming this caused it to lock. Was going too fast around a corner with terrible surfacing and very pumped tyres too; all in all not the best idea. Helmet saved hospital trip. For now.
My crap bike I was using in the meantime got its tyre slashed from the bike locks at the back of Clapham Junction, left from about 11AM-9PM. So er suggest avoiding these, unless it's just me... So if anyone happens to be selling 2nd hand tyre to suit Specialized Crossroads, would be cool.
Agree, didn't realise the chain had to be quite so taut, assuming this caused it to lock. Was going too fast around a corner with terrible surfacing and very pumped tyres too; all in all not the best idea. Helmet saved hospital trip. For now.
My crap bike I was using in the meantime got its tyre slashed from the bike locks at the back of Clapham Junction, left from about 11AM-9PM. So er suggest avoiding these, unless it's just me... So if anyone happens to be selling 2nd hand tyre to suit Specialized Crossroads, would be cool.