• #2
salsa make the rack lock seatpost clamp
• #3
still looking for the above as this salsa seatpost clamp would still be an inch off and not really period for me holdsworth tourer,cheers for the heads up tho James.
• #4
Still no luck....anyone know where i can get one of these???? Many thanks
• #5
worth just buying an old period rack?
i have 2 old 80s alloy ones that have a single arm to attach to the brake bridge instead of 2 arms for stay brazes.
One by Boryueh i got off an 80s Holdsworth, one by Carywell that came off a French bikei bought the french bike just for the rear and front racks :) so i'm keeping them
they're hard to find but when i found one it was a revelation, didn't know they existed.
Hi all,does anyone know where i can get one of these ????? Been googling like a mad thing,but no joy.Id rather not use p-clips on the seat stays if i can help it....
Many thanks, Kev.