Should be interesting...will report anything noteworthy back here.
Please do report here missmouse. Crucial road danger reduction stuff
Sorry it's taken me this long to report back on this Speed Congress organised by Brake, the road safety charity.
I'm happy to send the Agenda and other docs to anyone who is interested.
Particularly interesting to hear about how Sweden and Western Australia are tackling the issues around safety on the road and both the public outcry and political will behind new measures crucially speed reduction and ways to enforce that.
My favourite talk was by Prof John Wann about the human error of speed perception especially child and elderly road users, and how it's not just a much a matter of education or being aware but it's actual cognitive ability (or lack there of) which results in these age groups being less able to judge vehicle speed - it's simple optical geometry. Also how much more effective good headlights are than reflective or high vis clothing, on motorbikes at least. I presume it is the same for bicyclists.
Talks were also given (I should add that all talks were followed by interesting Q&A sessions) by others including the director of the 20's Plenty For Us campaign, Rod King, who is always good to hear. Here's a map they created of UK road casualties in case you've not seen it:
I'm happy to send the Agenda and other docs to anyone who is interested.
Particularly interesting to hear about how Sweden and Western Australia are tackling the issues around safety on the road and both the public outcry and political will behind new measures crucially speed reduction and ways to enforce that.
My favourite talk was by Prof John Wann about the human error of speed perception especially child and elderly road users, and how it's not just a much a matter of education or being aware but it's actual cognitive ability (or lack there of) which results in these age groups being less able to judge vehicle speed - it's simple optical geometry. Also how much more effective good headlights are than reflective or high vis clothing, on motorbikes at least. I presume it is the same for bicyclists.
Talks were also given (I should add that all talks were followed by interesting Q&A sessions) by others including the director of the 20's Plenty For Us campaign, Rod King, who is always good to hear. Here's a map they created of UK road casualties in case you've not seen it: