I get really pissed off when people do stupid maneuvers that could knock me off or cause an accident. That kind of anger is righteous and if vehemently expressed might make someone realise what they've done (even that's debatable, really)
But for running a red light?
I'm sorry but any of the ripostes quoted in this thread would just make me think the commenter was a total cock. The last thing it's going to do is change my approach to traffic lights. The traffic rules we have are most emphatically NOT designed with cyclists in mind, so it doesn't make sense to follow them meticulously.
Please tell how it's correct to swan through a red with peds crossing please. Also why it's fair for drivers to have to adjust for someone swaning through a red when they waited for their green.
Please tell how it's correct to swan through a red with peds crossing please. Also why it's fair for drivers to have to adjust for someone swaning through a red when they waited for their green.